Wider Applications

Improvement of oleochemical raw material production

The ET Process® can be used to make upstream production of oleochemicals more sustainable and environmentally friendly. The diagram below shows why it can replace conventional methods for glycerol and fatty ester production. The new approach may not only significantly reduce energy consumption and capital investment but also eliminate environmental issues, such as industrial wastewater and chemical waste management.

B100 for City Bus

To improve the air quality in big cities, introduction of clean public transportation, especially city buses, is very necessary. Using B100 on existing diesel buses is the most economical solution instead of spending a lot of money to replace diesel buses with other clean technology buses. In the past, the expensive B100 is the major barrier. With ET Process®, B100 produced from the used cooking oil can be sold at the same price equivalent to the same heating value petroleum-based diesel, with profit and even without subsidy. The plant can be financially self-sustaining with payback period of 3-5 years.

Recovery of natural extracts

Natural oils contain valuable phytonutrients and other extracts that cannot be preserved through the conventional biodiesel process due to the chemicals or high temperatures involved. These natural extracts have broad significant applications in health supplements, food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetic ingredients and industrial chemicals, such as, UV absorbent. The ET Process® offers a way of preserving these valuable extracts, thus increasing the sustainability of the client's business.